Andromeda, Skyladder Attempt
June, 2003
On the Snocoach road, approaching the route. The Skyladder route is visible in the background. It goes up the glacier facing the picture, then up the ridge to the left, more or less along the skyline. The summit of Andromeda is out of sight to the left. We never did see the summit due to the bad weather.
Ryan and Tom, as we are taking a break on the moraine. Moraines are the worst, but on this one, there was a nice trail, so going was not too bad.
Tom approaching up a snow field we crossed. We were probably on the toe of the glacier at this point. Nigel peak in the background.
Tom contemplating the weather.
Ryan in the snow. This is just after we decided to turn around, but we wanted to play around on the seracs a bit first. After we made our decision, the snow picked up.
Henri iceclimbing on the seracs. We swapped tools to have two each.
Ryan iceclimbing.
Tom iceclimbing. It's hard to see on this picture, but there was a view to the Skyladder route in the background. Too bad it didn't come out.
Ryan hiking down the moraine on the way out. Behind him is Athabasca glacier. This is where they take up large groups of turists. They travel in big monstrosities called 'snocoaches.' They actually drive the turists around on the glacier in these things. Back to trip