Miscellaneous Pictures
June, 2003
Yours truly in front of the Swindon stone, Avebury. This photo courtesy of Tom Hodgman
I found this incredibly ironic. These rocks are part of one of the oldest man-made structures in the world. They are almost 5000 years old! The sheep obviously doesn't feel the need to act with decorum just because of the venerable character of these awesome rocks.
More indifferent sheep.
Panoramic shot of the village, from the top of the bank that originally circled the entire structure. You can get an impression from this picture; the village is almost fully inside of what was the original Avebury circle.
Stonehenge. I look goofy in this picture, I know. Between the wind and the rain and the sun in our eyes, it was difficult for Tom and I to get good pictures.
My dad and I
Me and my dad again Back to trip